New Hampshire RN to MSN Programs
As health care has evolved over the past several years, nursing has simultaneously become more complex. There are a number of career advancement opportunities for registered nurses, however many of these positions require a master’s level education. For example, nurse educators are needed across the nation. New Hampshire is no exception to this and job opportunities are abundant, but to become a nurse educator, you generally need to have your MSN. In response to the growing need for masters educated nurses, many colleges and universities have created RN to MSN programs that allow RN’s with an associate’s degree in nursing and sometimes a nursing diploma to get their BSN and MSN in one accelerated program.
RN to MSN Online Programs Offered in New Hampshire
There are a limited number of RN to MSN programs offered at campuses in New Hampshire, however there are a number of accredited online RN to MSN programs in NH that are available to current registered nurses. Most of these programs can be completed in as little as three years depending upon the amount of transferable coursework you have completed and the area you choose to specialize in. If at this time three years seems like too large of a time commitment, you may be interested in exploring RN to BSN programs in New Hampshire. Many of these can also be completed entirely online and in as little as 12 months.
You will find that their are RN to MSN programs with different concentrations including, but not limited to, education, administration, leadership and management, informatics or clinical systems management. Coursework for any of these programs can be completed online and clinical practicums can often be set up at a facility within your region.
Regardless of the specialization you choose to focus on, completion of an RN to MSN program can open up a world of new opportunities within the field of nursing for you. Request information to learn more about any of the programs listed below that fit your career aspirations. All programs listed are accredited by nationally recognized bodies such as the CCNE or the NLNAC.