Medical Assistant Programs in Kansas
You can become a certified medical assistant in Kansas in one to two years. You need to complete a medical assistant program as a first step, and then pass a medical assistant certification exam. Themedical assistant program can be either a training program that lasts nine months, or a two year associate degree program. Just be sure that the medical assistant program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) or the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES). One of those accredited medical assisting programs or work experience is required to register for the certified medical assistant exam. The second step is to take the exam given by the certifying board of the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA) to become a certified medical assistant (CMA) or American Medical Technologists to become a registered medical assistant (RMA) AMT. Once you pass one of these exams, you will have a competitive edge in your job search and a head start on your medical assisting career.
Online and Campus Based Medical Assistant Programs in Kansas
Medical assistant programs in Kansas will cover many skill sets, and can depend on the state. Clerical and administrative skills are an important part of any medical assistant job. You will be responsible for making appointments, dealing with insurance companies, record keeping, medical coding, and any other tasks required to keep the administrative side of the practice, outpatient clinic, or hospital running well. Medical assistants can also undertake a variety of clinical tasks. CMAs in smaller offices may have more responsibilities than those in larger offices or hospitals. These can include taking blood, assessing patients’ vital signs, administering medications, assisting physicians with procedures, preparing patients for x-rays, explaining procedures, instructing patients about medications, preparing lab specimens, or sterilizing medical instruments, to give a few examples.
The average salary for a medical assistant in Kansas in 2008 was $26,530. This will vary based on employer and location and will increase with experience. The outlook for this job is very good. The healthcare sector in general is growing to meet the needs of the population, and medical support staff in particular is growing as healthcare providers strive to be cost efficient. There are over 3,800 medical assistants working in Kansas, and this number is projected to continue growing rapidly in the coming years, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. This is a fantastic time to pursue a career in healthcare. Find out now which medical assistant training program is right for you, and get started on your career in healthcare.
Take a minute to check out the Medical Billing and Coding programs in Kansas. Billing and Coding offers many career opportunities and great earning potential.
(Sources: BLS – Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates Kansas)