Medical Assistant Programs in Connecticut

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In just under a year, you can become a certified medical assistant, ready to work in Connecticut. There are over a dozen medical assistant programs offered throughout Connecticut, accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) or the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES). You will want to consider a medical assisting program in Connecticut that has accreditation through the CAAHEP or ABHES if you would like to later pursue certification as a medical assistant, as this is one of the exam eligibility requirements. Medical Assistant training is legally not required to work as a medical assistant in Connecticut, however more and more employers are preferring it and even requiring medical assistant certification. At the very least, it will give you a competitive edge in your job search and a head start in your career.

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Online and Campus Based Medical Assistant Programs in CT

Becoming a certified medical assistant (CMA) can be achieved by completing a CAAHEP or ABHES accredited medical assistant program, which are offered in online formats as well as campus based. These vocational medical assisting programs cover instruction in administration and clerical duties, such as record keeping, billing, communicating with insurance companies, handling patients, making appointments, and other tasks necessary to help an office or clinic run smoothly. Additionally, you will gain many clinical skills, such as assessing patients, taking vital signs, taking blood, and learn some medical terminology and anatomy.

The outlook is very good for medical assistants in Connecticut. Healthcare is one of the fastest growing job sectors in the country, and medical assistant jobs are projected by the BLS to experience continued growth. The salary will vary based on experience, location, and profession, with the average salary in Connecticut just over $30,000 in most large towns, according to BLS figures. Additionally, medical assisting could be a first step toward more training and a more advanced career in healthcare. Choose one of the many available programs in the state and get started in medical assisting to enjoy a career with good benefits and great job security.

You may also be interested in what the medical billing and coding programs in CT have to offer.

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