Medical Assistant Programs in Arizona
The recommended first step toward becoming a qualified medical assistant in Arizona is to gain vocational training and ideally, a certification or associate degree in the field. While it is not legally required to obtain a license or certificate to be employed as a medical assistant in Arizona, becoming a certified medical assistant (CMA) will give you a competitive edge in the job market and a huge advantage once you obtain a position in a hospital, clinic, or doctor’s office.
Online Medical Assistant Programs in Arizona
There are many medical assistant programs in Arizona that are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) or the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES). One of the eligibility requirements to sit for the certified medical assistant exam is to complete a CAAHEP or ABHES accredited medical assistant program. These programs typically require nine months to complete, or longer for an associate’s degree. Instruction will cover basic clinical training as well as administrative training. Students might learn about human anatomy, pharmacology, medical terminology, phlebotomy, taking vital signs, as well as proper procedures for communicating with insurance companies, patients, billing, and record keeping. They are generally responsible for many necessary administrative tasks that help keep the physician’s practice running smoothly. Passing the certification exam is the final step. This is given by the Certifying Board of the American Association of Medical Assistants.
According to, the mean salary for a medical assistant in Arizona hovers around $27,000, however about 10% of those surveyed earned over $33,000. As with most positions, experience, employer, and location can affect your salary. The outlook for medical assistants is very good, as the healthcare industry in general will continue to grow to meet the needs of the state’s aging population. Support staff like medical assistants will be in demand even more as healthcare providers look to operate facilities in the most cost-efficient manner possible.
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