Nursing Schools in Wisconsin – WI
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- CNA Training Programs in Wisconsin
- LPN Programs in Wisconsin
- ADN and BSN (Pre-Licensure) Programs in Wisconsin
- RN to BSN Programs in Wisconsin
- RN to MSN Programs in Wisconsin
- Master’s Nursing Programs in Wisconsin
- Nurse Practitioner Programs in Wisconsin
- DNP Programs in Wisconsin
- Featured Wisconsin Nursing Schools
In 2004 Nursing Schools in Wisconsin had more than 3,000 applicants on waitlists and in 2011 the situation is getting better with many of the nursing organizations and nursing schools in the state taking action to work toward a solution. The ADN and BSN entry to nursing programs approved by the Wisconsin Board of Nursing can be found via the above navigation or you may want to learn more about becoming a Nurse in Wisconsin first. One tip: make sure you choose a program that has been approved by the Wisconsin Board of Nursing. Failure to do so may jeopardize your eligibility to sit for the NCLEX-RN or the NCLEX-PN state licensure exams. Only Wisconsin Board of Nursing LPN, ADN and BSN programs are listed in this section.
Online Nursing Schools – Wisconsin
For now, the most popular choice for registered nurses in Wisconsin seeking to advance their career is to pursue their BSN, MSN, PhD or DNP degree online. Many of the nursing schools in Wisconsin are offering RN to BSN or BSN completion programs online as well as MSN and DNP programs. Nursing schools accredited by the CCNE (Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education) and NLNAC across the country are also offering their programs to nurses throughout the country via online formats. Online nursing education provides an amazing opportunity. Nurses anywhere in the state have the opportunity to pursue the education required for the majority of career paths in nursing.
We are dedicated to helping find solutions to the Wisconsin nursing shortage and providing educational and career information to prospective and current nurses.
Wisconsin Nursing Job Outlook and Salary Information
Due to the nursing shortage Wisconsin is experiencing, the job outlook for all nursing occupations is outstanding. Those choosing to enter nurse educator roles will find the most flexibility in where they can work, closely followed by Registered Nurses. Those nurses holding baccalaureate degrees in nursing will have an opportunity make significantly more than those holding an associate degree in nursing as well as be eligible for master’s level programs. In most locations throughout Wisconsin nurses are in such high demand they can pretty much ask for whatever types of hours, money and benefits they want. Some popular employers of Registered Nurses in Wisconsin include Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare and the Mayo Clinic. This is a very good time to start or advance your career in nursing.
According to Wisconsin work force data, new nurses in Wisconsin earned a median salary of $49,030. According to, the average annual salary for registered nurse (RN) job postings in Wisconsin, as of 3/4/2011, was $59,000. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2004 RN salary survey, the average annual salary for a registered nurse in Wisconsin was $53,700. According to the median annual salary for a registered nurse in Appleton, WI is $57,096, in Green Bay, WI $58,502, in La Crosse, WI $53,875, in Madison, WI $59,146, in Milwaukee, WI $61,254, in Racine, WI $58,443.
LPN job growth is also projected to grow through 2018 at a rate of 1.4%, qualifying it as one of the top 25 growth careers in Indiana. LPNs in Indiana make an average annual salary of $41,079, while entry level positions pay around $16.32 and hour and experienced LPNs are seeing about $21.46 an hour. These salary figures are ballpark and provided by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development.
The salaries for RNs and LPNs in Wisconsin will vary depending on location, education, experience and specialty. Based on these numbers and the fact that the Registered Nursing profession is supposed to have 26% job growth through 2018, this is an opportune time to be researching nursing programs in Wisconsin.
Campus Based Nursing Schools
Edgewood College
Edgewood College in Madison, WI is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Their nursing programs are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and approved by the Wisconsin State Board of Nursing.
Programs Offered: Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) – Nursing Admiånistration or Nursing Education, and Post-Master’s Certificate in Nursing.
Marquette University

Marquette University College of Nursing is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and the Wisconsin State Board of Nursing. Upon graduation, you will be able to take the licensure exam in any state.
Programs Offered: BSN, Part-Time BSN, RN to BSN, Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), MSN – Clinical Nurse Leader, RN-to-MSN, Direct Entry MSN (for students with a non-nursing bachelor’s degree), (MSN Tracks: Health Care Systems Managment, Nurse Midwifery, Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist, Gerontological Nurse Practitioner, Adult Nurse Practitioner, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Gerontological Clinical Nurse Specialist, Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialist, Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD), Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), BSN-to-DNP, BSN-to PhD, Post-Master’s Certificate (Tracks: Acute Care NP, Adult Health Nursing, Gerontology, Nurse Midwifery, and Pediatrics)
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee

The college of nursing at UWM is dedicated to providing high quality academic programs that keep up with the everchanging role of nurses and the health care system. Request information to learn more.
Programs Offered: RN-to-BSN, BSN, RN-to-MSN, MSN, MSN/MBA, Post-Master’s Certificate, BSN-to-PhD, DNP. Specialty areas for applicants of all Masters programs: Adult CNS, Community Health CNS, Family NP, Health Professional Education Certificate, Maternal/Child Health CNS, Nursing Systems CNS, Psych/Mental Health CNS