LPN to BSN Schools
The online source for LPN (LVN) to BSN programs.
One of the most popular nursing programs today is the LVN or LPN to Bachelors of Science in Nursing program. As you probably know, LVN (licensed vocational nurse) and LPN (licensed practical nurse) are the same credential. The only difference is the state that you reside in and what they refer to you as (LVN in Texas and California and LPN in every other state).
Whether you are an LVN or an LPN, the BSN could be the next logical step to take in your nursing career. Whether your goal is to increase in your salary, to expand your role and responsibilities as a nurse, or both, getting the BSN can help you achieve these goals.
The University of Phoenix is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and offers LPN to BSN or LVN to BSN programs at several campus locations. The BSN program has a special sequence for the Vocational Nurse or Practical Nurse to achieve the BSN degree. It builds on the basic education, skills, and experience of the practical nurse that is ready to transition to the professional nursing role.
Online LVN/LPN to BSN Programs
Online LPN to BSN programs and LVN to BSN programs are quickly becoming a choice option for practical and vocational nurses. These programs provide the necessary flexibility to continue working in a position while pursuing the education needed to become a Baccalaureate educated Registered Nurse. The online option can also be a great way for LPNs and LVNs in rural areas to gain access to higher education and career advancement. The BSN in 10 initiative has made large strides. Legislation in some states is in the works to require Registered Nurses to obtain their BSN within ten years of becoming licensed. Completion of an LPN to BSN or LVN to BSN program can set graduates of these programs ahead of the game. The American Nurses Association has also advocated their support of online baccalaureate nursing programs.
There will be a requirement for students to complete the clinical portion of their baccalaureate nursing education at a clinical site either locally or regionally for the student. Clinical sites are often arranged by the student with assistance from the school. Some schools offering online LPN to BSN or LVN to BSN programs may have an on-site component where students are required to travel to campus. On-site requirements can be for a weekend, a week or two weeks depending on the program.
Indiana State University College of Nursing, Health and Human Sciences – Online
Indiana State University offers the only completely online LPN/LVN to BSN program in the country. The Indiana State University College of Nursing is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC). Clinical requirements can be completed in the student’s local community or geography. Learn more about this exciting program by requesting information today.
Popular Campus Based LPN to BSN Degree Programs
Colorado Christian University
Colorado Christian University in Grand Junction, CO is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The LPN to Associate’s program is approved by the Colorado Board of Nursing and accredited by the CCNE. This is a popular program and class space is limited.
Hawaii Pacific University – Nursing
Programs Offered: LPN/BSN Pathway, BSN, RN to BSN, MSN with options (Community Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), Community Clinical Nurse Specialist Educator)
Hawai’i Pacific University,
1164 Bishop Street,
Honolulu, Hawai’i 96813,
PH: 808-544-0200
Lakeview College of Nursing

Located in Danville, IL, the Lakeview College of Nursing is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) and the American Association Colleges of Nursing Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.
Programs Offered: BSN, LPN to BSN, Accelerated BSN, BSN Completion Program (For RN’s)
West Coast University
Programs Offered: LVN to BSN
If you aren’t currently an LPN or LVN, find out more about becoming a licensed practical nurse here.