RN to MSN Bridge Programs in Utah
The RN to MSN programs offered in Utah are designed for the registered nurse with an associate’s degree in nursing or nursing diploma education. Registered nurses will need to have a current registered nursing license to apply and enroll in these programs. There are RN to MSN online programs offered in Utah that carry no residency requirements and campus based RN to MSN program options as well. Either program, online or campus based, will take about three years to complete.
RN to MSN Online Programs Offered in Utah
RN to BSN programs begin with the baccalaureate core coursework and once that is completed students bridge to the master’s in nursing core curriculum including courses in their chosen area of concentration. The advanced practice concentrations will require preceptorships or practicums which can most often be completed in the student’s local community or region for both the online and campus based RN to MSN programs. Nursing school faculty will often assist students in arranging the clinical site. Most RN to MSN programs offered in Utah are either CCNE or NLNAC accredited and can be found listed below with their contact information.
The exciting aspect of RN to MSN programs is that they significantly reduce the amount of time it takes for a registered nurse to earn a master’s in nursing. This means that a younger generation of nurses are entering leadership roles, nursing faculty positions and advanced practice roles. This is a critical step in alleviating the nursing shortage that Utah faces as a large population of older nurses in these roles approach retirement.
The RN to MSN nurse educator pathway or concentration has been extremely well received as graduates are prepared for faculty positions in institutions offering entry-level nursing programs. Entry-level nursing programs have consistently had to turn away qualified applicants due to the lack of nursing faculty each year. Based on your experience, you have probably decided on an area of concentration to pursue. A master’s degree in nursing opens a plethora of career options and increased earning potential. Find an RN to MSN programs that fits your goals below. If an RN to MSN program is too long of a program to commit to at this time, you may be interested in the RN to BSN programs Utah that can take as little as 12 month to complete.
Nursing Schools Based in Utah Offering an RN to MSN Program
University of Utah
CCNE accredited Programs
Programs Offered: BSN, RN to BSN, Master’s Degree in Nursing (Concentrations: Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL), Nursing Informatics, Psychiatric / Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Teaching Nursing, BS – DNP
University Of Utah,
10 S 2000 E,
Salt Lake City UT 84112,
PH: 801-581-7728